Mother Earth Ventures


“Our vision is to transform our world into a place where humans live together in an ecological, social, fair, efficient and peaceful way. The most important aspect of our endeavor is to create a world where human beings, technology and our mother earth are in balance. That’s why it is our vision to support fellow entrepreneurs and their startups that share our values.” Martin Johann Fröhlich – CEO Mother Earth Ventures



Mother Earth Ventures supports young start-ups who contribute to the following goals of the 2030/2050 climate protection plan:

1) Climate protection
2) Sustainable manufacturing and consumption
3) Clean water
4) Renewable energy
5) Sustainable cities and districts
6) Sustainable mobility

About us

Martin Johann Fröhlich

CEO Mother Earth Ventures

LinkedIn Profil

Prof. Dr. Dirk Rompf

Founder Motion Group Capital und former board member DB Netz AG

LinkedIn Profil

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maaß

Scientific Director of the Research Institute Artificial Intelligence DFKI

LinkedIn Profil


You share our vision and have related goals to the climate protection plan 2030/2050?

Please send us a pitch deck to:



…we make air quality visible – for green cities and future-oriented companies.


…data based management of battery life cycles


Apparel’s Machine Learning Platform

Avocargo’s service enables B2C and B2B users to flexibly use shared
electric cargo bikes through a free-floating scheme
We are creating new digital ecosystems based on networked products, thus enabling our clients to build seminal business models while improving people’s lives. It is about to launch two business activities onto the market: in property technology and with the “It’s my bike” brand. Luggage and transport logistics business activities are also in the pipeline

The turnkey IOT platform for your Smart Energy Services

NIO designs and develops smart, high-performance, electric vehicles with an aim to be the first “User Enterprise” in the world.


Total solution for green transportation. New Energy Changing the World, Green Technology Leading the Change

Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy

PowerCell creates electrical power solutions – with minimal environmental impact

ITM Power designs and manufactures world-class hydrogen energy solutions to enhance the utilisation of renewable energy

A leading global provider of innovative clean energy & fuell cell solutions

Unterstützung von Unternehmen bei der Erzielung einer höheren Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit in einer elektrifizierten Welt durch Wasserstoffbrennstoffzellen

Geely is a is a Chinese automobile and motorcycle manufacturer.

Xinyi Solar operates solar power parks and develops the corresponding glass for the solar panels.

Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology is a manufacturer of wind turbines and is one of the largest wind turbine manufacturers in the world.

FuelCell Energy is a global leader in the design, manufacture, operation and service of ultra-clean, efficient and reliable fuel cell power plants.

American Lithium is actively engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of lithium resources within mining-friendly jurisdictions throughout the Americas.

Rolls-Royce is a leading global manufacturer of propulsion systems and is represented in Germany with its three business units: Civil Aviation, Defense and Power Systems.

Great Wall Motor Company Limited is China’s largest SUV and pickup manufacturer.

PowerHouse Energy Group – The industry’s most efficient, economical and environmentally friendly Waste-to-Energy system.

AFC Energy is the leading provider of Alkaline Fuel Cell systems for the generation of clean energy, offering best in class performance and lowest operating cost.

Strategic and Financial Advisory for Clean Technology and Renewables.

A world leading and sustainably developing multinational group of intelligent industrial equipment with its own core technologies, with vehicle and machinery as the leading business, and with powertrain as the core business.
A foot measurement software finding the perfect fit between feet and shoes.
Proton Motor Fuel Cells develops its own fuel cells and combines them with selected components that are tailored to your area of ​​application to create fuel cell and hybrid systems that are ready for integration.



Hardware Innovation Hub & Markerspace:

Motion Lab







LMU Entrepreneurship Center

Business Angels:

Munich Business Angels

MunichAngels Logo 2019_bearb

Venture Capital:

Atlantic Labs


Venture Capital:

Motion Group Capital